Fragrance and flavours are a harmonious combination of natural and synthetic ingredients. It is essential that the food we eat, the medicines we take, personal care products we apply, or household care products we use lend a comforting fragrance pleasing our senses.
It comprises essential Oils & natural extracts, Aroma chemical and formulated flavours & fragrances. These aromatic constituents of fragrance and flavour oils are volatile, fragile and can get separated if they are exposed to oxygen for prolonged periods.
Fragrance and flavours can be diluted and lost when the plastic containers in which they are stored absorbs their organic properties. Other reasons are the migration of properties of plastic containers into the product, oxidation of the product by ambient oxygen.
So it becomes necessary to protect these products from oxygen. Essential oils, fragrance oils and flavour oils are flammable and should be kept away from hazardous situations.
Here a selection of proper storage containers plays a vital role. If it is stored properly, flavours oils & fragrances have a stable shelf life.
Our product portfolio offers containers and bottles which have been manufactured without contamination and foreign particles and according to high GMP standards.
The raw material used is 100% virgin. There are no odour issues as such or no issues regards to any kind of migration from plastic. Not a single black spot appears on the products.